Nose to the Grindstone!

So… Not only am I back to knitting and crocheting, but my classes have started back up as well. I am still working two jobs, but the second job may not last much longer. Not really sure yet if the owner will keep the shop or close up til next year. I wish he’d just make up his mind already! I do not want to show up for work and find out there is no job! However, if he does decide to keep it open and bring back the merchandise they had last summer and fall, and he lets us put seasonal items on the other side of the shop, I think the store will do well. Not only that, but although it probably won’t be a real busy store immediately, it will give me time to work on school work or my yarn projects while I am at work. Its been getting more and more quiet over the past couple weeks, since the holidays are now finally over!

At this moment though, I really need to get back to my classwork. I’ve got two papers due in a few days, and I need to review them before I submit them.


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